Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood S1E22: “Backs in the Distance.”
The episode proper begins with the aftermath of Wrath's strike on Ninjette. He didn't use a sword blade, but that might be sort of academic considering how high up she was when she got punched in the face with haemonculus strength.
Garden of Sinners E1: “Overlooking View” (part two)
Shiki returns to the building through a torrent of rain. As she walks, there's a brief flashback to her getting a voice message from Mikiya telling her about the bizarre string of suicides that boss lady wants them to help investigate.
Garden of Sinners E1: “Overlooking View” (part one)
Garden of Sinners, or Kara no Kyoukai in Japanese, was the first light novel series by author Nasu Fate Moon that paved the way for the rest of the Typeverse. Rather than getting a TV anime series adaptation like Stay/Night or Zero, these got turned into a series of hour length movies. All I know about them is that they were written previously to the other Fate stuff I've seen so far, and I believe they're set earlier as well though I'm not sure about that.
Mobile Suit Gundam: Advent of the Red Comet (E1)
Unlike most of the things I've reviewed until now, Mobile Suit Gundam is a title I have some familiarity with. I say "some" because this is one of those sprawling franchises that's been added to for decades, and from that angle I've seen a very small percentage of the whole thing. On the other hand, Gundam has also had multiple...I guess you could call them reboots? Alternate timelines? Sub-franchises? That makes it somewhat more manageable, since you have multiple self-contained blocks of it.
Fullmetal Alchemist S1E21: “Advance of the Fool”
Mustang, Hawkeye, and Havoc are in the hospital. Havoc managed to survive that, somehow. Maybe Mustang took a moment to cauterize his lust-punctures as well before running off to save Hawkeye and Al? I'm starting to feel downright embarrassed for Lust. She didn't even manage to kill the one-step-above-canon-fodder minor character in that fight? It's almost cruel.
Fate/Zero E1: Summoning Ancient Heroes (conclusion)
Alright, let's resume this extremely long, dense, and complicated pilot!
Fate/Zero S1E1: Summoning Ancient Heroes (part one)
It's been a while, but we're back to the world of Fate...Nasu?...Moon? This franchise has way too many names.
Dr. Stone S1E2: “The King of the Stone World”
The second and last episode of Dr. Stone that XHurt commissioned. The pilot wasn't my cup of tea, but I didn't hate it either, so let's see how this goes.
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood S1E20: “Father Before the Grave”
Probably the most literal title so far, given that the previous episode ended - and this one opens - with the Father standing in front of a grave.
Dr. Stone S1E1: “Stone World”
I have a friend who's into Dr. Stone. Multiple friends, I think. I only saw bits and pieces, but from what I gather its about a postapocalyptic future in which everyone has been turned into stone by something. A select few have unpetrified long after the fact and are trying to make their way in an empty world. Also, there's a major subplot involving chemistry? I think? Anyway, it's a very recently adapted series, having first premiered less than a year ago, and still ongoing.
"The Transition of Juan Romero," "The Hoard of the Wizard-Beast," and "The Slaying of the Monster"
And here it is. My last Lovecraft story post. Three short pieces, two of them co-written, one of them a Lovecraft original.
"The Transition of Juan Romero" was written in 1919, so this is another early, pre-Sonya piece. Not as early as "The Mysterious Ship," but still. It was published in 1944 by Arkham House, the tribute-publisher created by August Derleth and several other Lovecraft friends and admirers after Lovecraft's death.
30 Rock S6E9: Leap Day
This review was commissioned by @Aris Katsaris. It was supposed to go up on leap day, almost exactly a week ago, but I've spent the last couple of weeks traveling a lot and having only intermittent internet access, so this was the best I could do.
...which is kind of funny in retrospect, because this episode itself only exists because the 30 Rock writers missed their chance to do a Christmas or New Years episode, and had to settle for doing a leap day special of all things instead. So, in that way maybe I'm just doing justice to the spirit of the episode. And of 30 Rock as a whole, really.
"The Mysterious Ship" and "Old Bugs"
"The Mysterious Ship" was written in 1902. No, this isn't going to be a joke post like "The Little Glass Bottle." While nobody writes anything GOOD at age twelve, I feel like that's around the age where literary talent starts to take shape and show signs of coherence and thoughtfulness. So, there's a chance this might actually show some early seeds of things we'll recognize.
Meanwhile, "The Beast in the Cave," the second story Lovecraft ever published, was written just three years after this. So, we've seen Lovecraft's writing as of age seven, and as of age fifteen. Let's see how his abilities developed during the time between those ages!
Serial Experiments Lain E2: “Girls, Layer 2”
We return to the psychedelic and terrifying near future world of Lain, a teenaged girl who is either being haunted by some kind of cyberspace ghost creature that claims to be a dead acquaintance of hers, or simply going insane. When we last saw her, she had just come face to face with the apparition on her way home from school. Begin.
“Poetry and the Gods”
This story, it seems, is actually not solely a Lovecraft creation. HPL collaborated with another United Amateur author named Anna Crofts, schoolteacher, poet, and classicist.
“The White Ship”
They're following a color-changing bird now. That's a really cool mental image.