Arcane Season Two (part four)
Animation Leila Hamm Animation Leila Hamm

Arcane Season Two (part four)

I'm going to restate what I pointed out earlier, about how much time early season 2 spent on long, slow mourning scenes and artsy music video sequences. Again, to be clear, I *liked* most of the music videos. I'm glad that they were there and that I could see them. But like...if they knew they had this amount of story to tell and this little time to tell it in, what the hell were they even thinking when they did that stuff? Priorities!

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The Miracle Workers (part one)
Leila Hamm Leila Hamm

The Miracle Workers (part one)

I'm almost a thousand words into this review, and I've only barely managed to summarize most of the background without even getting to the plot or characters yet lol.

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