The Owl House S1E15-16: "Understanding Willow" and "Enchanting Grom Fright"
Luz being sent to a parody of gay conversion camps hits a lot different with her being actually gay.
The Owl House S1E7 and S1E12: "Lost in Language" and "Adventures in the Elements"
Episode seven, "Lost in Language," is where most of the positive is concentrated. Episode twelve, "Adventures in the Elements," is where most of the negative can be found. Not all, but most.
The Owl House S1E4-5: "The Intruder" and "Covention"
Luz can learn from Eda, but just as much by taking her as an instructive bad example as by imitation. Eda gets by, but life is harder than it needs to be for her and the people she ostensibly cares about.
Undone S1E1-2
The ambiguity is a big part of the show's allure, and that allure is very strong.
Shadows House S1E7: "An Incomplete Map"
The most dangerous kind of person for any oppressive regime. Clever, unpredictable, and cares more about doing what's right than keeping herself alive.
Pepper Ann S3E6: "A Kosher Christmas"
Have any of you ever actually met someone who celebrates Kwanzaa? I swear to god, white children's TV writers in the 90's and 2000's were the largest demographic of that holiday's celebrants.
Shadow's House S1E6: "The Garden Labyrinth"
It seems like he's being watched. And like a senior Shadows his judging his judgements. Which calls the entire point of him into question. Hmm.
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End (S1E8-10)
My enjoyment of this series is probably going to fluctuate in exact inverse correlation with its demon focus.
The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh ("Find Her Keep Her" and "The Piglet Who Would Be King")
"Find Her Keep Her" doesn't feel very Winnie the Pooh, but it honestly feels like something better than that.
"The Piglet Who Would Be King," meanwhile, was simply written on crack.
"Oh My Goddess!" E1 vis a vis "Verthandi in the Middle" Ch1
I'm going to be reviewing the first episode of the 1993 OVA, alongside the first chapter of a kinda-sorta fanfic written by ArlequineLunaire.
Pepper Ann ("Dances with Ignorance," "Girl Power," and "Miss Moose")
Heh, I forgot what a textbook ADHD case Pepper Ann was.
Skaza Skazok ("The Tale of Tales")
I don't entirely know what to make of "Tale of Tales." I'm not sure if anyone knows what to make of it with any confidence.
Epic: the Musical: the Curated Fanimatic Series (continued even more)
If there is anybody in this story besides Poseidon who merits boss music, it's Scylla. Especially the way Gigi portrays her. Holy fucking shit.
Epic: the Musical: the Curated Fanimatic Series (continued more)
Ghost Tiresias might have the single best singer in this whole damned project.
Epic: the Musical: the Curated Fanimatic Series (continued)
Poseidon is the ocean, the ocean is in the way of home, and the ocean hates Odysseus.
Haibane Renmei (E11-13)
Maybe they'll even see each other again. They probably won't recognize or remember each other, but somehow they're both optimistic.
Epic: the Musical: the Curated Fanimatic Series
I'm not going to declare that this whole album is reinterpreting the Odyssey as a metaphor for military PTSD until I've seen more of it, but the first two tracks definitely make it seem like that.
Haibane Renmei (E8-10)
The wings don't actually let them fly; they just hurt while growing in and inconvenience them from that point on. They have the romantic image, but it's just an image. Beyond the photo-op frozen in time, there's still life that needs to be lived. By someone, somewhere.