Kill Six Billion Demons III: "Seeker of Thrones" (part seven)
Comics Leila Hamm Comics Leila Hamm

Kill Six Billion Demons III: "Seeker of Thrones" (part seven)

Incubus has a "#1 God" mug on his desk. I choose to believe that this isn't just Killy's mind interpreting things in a cutesy way, and that Incubus actually, physically owns that cup. It's one of his most prized possessions, unlike the worthless golden goblets that he piles up under his throne. Canon.

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Lovecraft Leila Hamm Lovecraft Leila Hamm


Nyarlathotep is the god of global warming, stock market crashes, nuclear bombs, and dust bowls. He is also the god of black holes, colliding galaxies, and the eventual heat death of the universe. He is the ONE TRUE GOD who nothing can defy in the end.

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Transformers: Chaos Theory (part three)
Comics Leila Hamm Comics Leila Hamm

Transformers: Chaos Theory (part three)

What this spells out for the reader is that the decepticons aren't morally any worse than the prewar social order. They cause more destruction because of the need to fuel their war machine, but I don't think they do anything that the old Cybertron regime wouldn't have done if they thought it was in their interest.

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Vigor Mortis (part three)
Leila Hamm Leila Hamm

Vigor Mortis (part three)

The good news is that my newfound apathy has been broken through, and the story has managed to make me feel something again.

The bad news is that you all will need to hold on a second so I can relocate from the living room to the bedroom, where I'm further away from the kitchen knives.

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Vigor Mortis (part 2)
Leila Hamm Leila Hamm

Vigor Mortis (part 2)

She's probably more responsible with these powers than I would have been at her age, I'll give her that.

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Vigor Mortis (part one)
Leila Hamm Leila Hamm

Vigor Mortis (part one)

There are societal status quos that keep themselves more or less the same for centuries on end, and there are ones that disintegrate under their own stupidity in just a few decades. This one feels like it's much closer to the latter end of the spectrum.

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