Transformers Spotlight: Megatron
It's a darkly funny peek at the social dynamics you'd need to actually justify the cartoon supervillainy of G1 Transformers.

Transformers: Chaos Theory (part four)
Well, this wasn't what I expected from a Transformers comic.

Transformers: Chaos Theory (part three)
What this spells out for the reader is that the decepticons aren't morally any worse than the prewar social order. They cause more destruction because of the need to fuel their war machine, but I don't think they do anything that the old Cybertron regime wouldn't have done if they thought it was in their interest.

“Transformers: Chaos Theory” (part two)
I like what they're doing with Megatron so far. I have much more mixed feelings about what they're doing with Optimus.

Transformers: Chaos Theory (pt 1)
Oh my god I was right the decepticons are actually nazbols. Dugandroids. Strasserobots. Nazicommies in disguise.