Katalepsis III (part two)
Leila Hamm Leila Hamm

Katalepsis III (part two)

Confirmation that Lozzie is a prisoner, perhaps even a prisoner in her own body. And also, more distressingly, that Evelyn and her pile of occult treasures are no longer the main target after Heather's display of dimension-warping power at the end of arc 2. Heather herself is the greater prize now.

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Katalepsis III: "Conditions of Absolute Reality" (part one)
Leila Hamm Leila Hamm

Katalepsis III: "Conditions of Absolute Reality" (part one)

Now in the company of some conveniently attractive local occultists, Heather is on a mission to rescue her long lost sister from the lair of a reality-warping god monster, using that monster's own power and hoping it doesn't damn her. Also she's fighting local baddies, making friends with From Beyond fauna, and being a queer harem protagonist, just to keep things from getting too dark.

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Katalepsis 2.12
Leila Hamm Leila Hamm

Katalepsis 2.12

It invites the reader to laugh along with it at the absurd circumstances and contrived plot points, but it treats the characters placed in those scenarios with near-unfailing respect. That is what transforms and elevates Katalepsis into something better than it would otherwise have any right to be.

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Katalepsis 2.8
Leila Hamm Leila Hamm

Katalepsis 2.8

With the amount of supernatural shit that apparently exists in this town, isn't it likely that someone already owns the police?

Heh, well, it might be that the person who owns the Sharrowford police is Evelyn. In which case it's a moot point.~

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Katalepsis 2.4
Leila Hamm Leila Hamm

Katalepsis 2.4

Heather: "Is Twil harmless, or is she not harmless?"

Evelyn: "Yesn't."

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Katalepsis: 2.1-2
Leila Hamm Leila Hamm

Katalepsis: 2.1-2

Evelyn wasn't kidding when she said her family is a big deal in the occult underworld. Holy shit.

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Katalepsis 1.4
Leila Hamm Leila Hamm

Katalepsis 1.4

This story is escalating quite a bit faster than I expected it to.

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“Katalepsis” 1.3
Leila Hamm Leila Hamm

“Katalepsis” 1.3

These three chapters haven't given me enough to do any deep analysis, but so far it's good. It strikes a difficult balance between hitting the urban fantasy conventions that we've all seen too many times to take seriously, and engaging with themes of trauma, paranoia, and mental illness in a mature enough way that you HAVE to take it seriously.

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“Katalepsis” 1.2
Leila Hamm Leila Hamm

“Katalepsis” 1.2

I've gotten in touch with the author of this story, and she's given her permission for me to reproduce the text in full, like I used to do for my Loveraft readthroughs. So, thank you HY!

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