Animation Leila Hamm Animation Leila Hamm


A juvenile, feverish madness of potential that I don't think I'll ever be able to make contact with again.

But it never came anywhere fucking near FLCL.

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Sgt. Savage and his Screaming Eagles
Animation Leila Hamm Animation Leila Hamm

Sgt. Savage and his Screaming Eagles

When I say that he's Captain America, what I mean is that he's an elite special forces squad leader from World War 2 who got frozen, was declared MIA, and then discovered and thawed out decades later to serve his country again when it is menaced by the same nazi-aligned supervillain who he fought back in the forties. What I don't mean when I say he's Captain America, on the other hand, is that he has any of the pathos, charm, or idiosyncrasy that various depictions of Cap have been imbued with by their authors.

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