Star Trek Lower Decks S2E9: "Wej Duj"
Lighthearted return to form, or cringey meme-milking machine?
Honestly, it's both.
The Medusa Chronicles (3.22-23)
We had a character last arc whose name sounded cardassian. Now, we have a character who just plain sounds like one.
Kill Six Billion Demons V: Breaker of Infinities (part two)
Jag. Yaya. Bro. Think about this for a second.
Legend of the Galactic Heroes - Die Neue These S1E11: "The Verge of Death (part one)"
That was one of the weirdest scenes I have ever seen in anything.
Legend of the Galactic Heroes - Die Neue These S1E9: "Each Person's Star"
I really hope that episode 11 gets us back to Reinhard and Co. At this point I don't think the Alliance stuff is ever going to interest me.
Legend of the Galactic Heroes - Die Neue These S1E10: "Interlude"
I accidentally skipped an episode, apparently. I thought this was episode 9 when I started watching it, and didn't realize my mistake until I was most of the way through. I guess the actual episode 9 must have been fairly uneventful, since this one seems like it picks up right where I left off last time, but still, I do need to go back and watch it.
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (pt. 21)
It's one of those works where I'm not sure if you'll get more out of it by paying close attention and thinking about what it says, or by turning your brain off and just laughing at the funny parts and mashing the "hit robot with sword" button at all the other parts.
Kill Six Billion Demons V: Breaker of Infinities (part one)
There's no safety when Jagganoth is on the field.
The Medusa Chronicles (3.18-21)
We're meeting a medusa. It's about time this sequel starting doing sequel things, you know? Let's see how it goes.
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (pt. 19)
A perfect figurehead for the vast world of perverse incentives within the military industrial complex.
The Medusa Chronicles (2.15-17)
If there was one single human character in this book, with the possible exception of Falcon, who wasn't an absolutely insufferable douchelord, I'd have some serious reservations about what Falcon just did in this chapter.
The Medusa Chronicles, Chapter 2: Adam (2.8-9)
Don't worry, it gets much better in a couple more chapters.
King Arthur and the Knights of Justice S1E3: "The Unbeliever"
Just the processed tears of frustrated artists, congealed and shrinkwrapped through the most low-effort and low-cost assembly line imaginable, and then marketed to a child audience who the executives hold in utter contempt.
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (pt. 17)
Jetstream Sam might have been a perfectly good antagonist for the game that never got made. It really isn't his fault.
King Arthur and the Knights of Justice S1E2: "A Knight's Quest"
There was some genuine thought and skill that went into some parts of this episode. Just, not enough to change the fundamentally thoughtless and unskilled nature of the work overall.
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (pt. 16)
Courtney is just shocked at the loud-and-proud psychopathy without even the veneer of philosophical justification or personal trauma. Raiden tells her that it's just as well; there will be zero reason for anyone to shed tears for this guy after what's about to happen to him.