Legend of the Galactic Heroes - The New Thesis (S1E4): “The Unbeatable Magician”
Tactful as always, Yang.

Legend of the Galactic Heroes - The New Thesis (S1E3): “An Indomitable Prodigy”
It seems to me that this story is much better at doing character work and political drama than action or military thrills. This is kind of bizarre, because Legend of the Galactic Heroes is usually described/recommended as "two brilliant space admirals developing camaraderie in their repeated battles." A description that puts way too much emphasis on the war aspects (which so far seem to be so-so at best) and not nearly enough on the characters' social contexts and relationships.

Fullmetal Alchemist Analysis (part one)
I've seen a lot of culture critics describes FMA:B as "flawless," "perfect," and "the best anime ever made." While I strongly disagree with the first two of those assessments, I might just be sold on the third.

Fullmetal Alchemist Analysis (part zero): “Ego”
“Pride.” Hubris. But it also means Ego. And ego also means “Self.”

Zombie Land Saga S1E4: “Warming Dead Saga”
Saki does what I wished someone would do from the second third of the pilot onward.

Zombie Land Saga S1E3: “Dead or Live Saga”
Beach volleyball episode? Beach volleyball episode.

Zombie Land Saga E2: “I <3 Hip Hop Saga”
He tries to get them all excited to save the idol industry, and gets furious at them when none of them care. Girls, please, kill this prick.

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood S2E38: “Journey's End”
I'll go into this in the analysis post(s), where I'll explain what I got out of the story, regardless of whether or not it was the author's intent.

Altered Carbon S1E5: "The Wrong Man" (continued)
Did the writers even read their own scripts?

Altered Carbon S1E5: "The Wrong Man"
Time to keep kicking my way through this overproduced trainwreck.

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood S2E37: "The Other Side of the Gateway"
The nameless child dies as it lived; struggling to escape the object of its desire.

Altered Carbon S1E4: “Force of Evil” (continued)
It's got a really strong sort of JJ Abrams "look at how intricate and clever I think I am" asspull feel to it.

Altered Carbon S1E4: “Force of Evil”
The sort of charisma she uses is equal parts primal fear and primal allure. Like you can't tell if you're afraid she's about to burst out of her human suit and tear you to shreds, or if she's just the sexiest thing ever
....okay, rereading that paragraph right after I wrote it is making me a little worried about myself, ngl.

Altered Carbon S1E3: "In a Lonely Place" (continued)
Kovacs' writing might not measure up to his baseline in this scene. Hubert might be making me hate him. But, try as one might, there is simply no outdoing Detective Kirsten "Garfield Minus Garfield" Ortega.

Altered Carbon S1E3: "In a Lonely Place"
How are Kovacs and Ortega in the same script? It's seriously night and day.

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood S2E36: “A Fierce Counterattack”
I could have sworn we already had an episode called that? Back during the Briggs arc, I think? Something very similar at least. Well, regardless!

Altered Carbon S1E2: “Fallen Angel” (part 3)
Oh god what has Ortega been doing to this corpse she stole holy fuck why.

Altered Carbon S1E2: “Fallen Angel” (continued)
He's one of the good slumming meths. When he kills one of his favorite hookers, he always buys them a brand shiny new sleeve, often younger, healthier, and hotter than the body they had before.
"Whenever" he kills one.

Altered Carbon S1E2: “Fallen Angel”
It turns out that Laurens Bancroft is...well, exactly as popular as you'd expect.

Altered Carbon S1E1: “Out of the Past” (continued unto the conclusion)
Raven is the best. I really hope that Kovacs stays in that hotel in the semi-long term, so that Raven isn't just a one episode wonder. Hell, I want Raven to be the Cortana to Kovacs' Master Chief and play adjutant/dispatch for him over neural commlink. It's not like that would be much sillier than the baseline for this show. Yeah, I'll say it: I fucking ship it.