Bakemonogatari E5: “Mayoi Snail, part 3” (part one)
There's a minor detail I glossed over a bit ago that I think might warrant a little extra discussion.

Bakemonogatari E4: “Mayoi Snail, part 2”
I think I'm going to have a real lot to say at the end of this three parter, but pretty much nothing until then.

Bakemonogatari E3: “Mayoi Snail, part 1”
I'm going to have to see the next part of this arc before I have anything to say about it.

King Arthur and the Knights of Justice S1E1: “Opening Kick-Off”
You can just FEEL the moment where the creators were informed they wouldn't be getting a two-part pilot after all.

“The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals” (part four)
It's good. It could be really, really good with better production values, a bigger cast, and maybe a liiiittle bit of trimming and moving things around here and there. It might come close to greatness, but there are too many really fundamental flaws (the mostly so-so music being the biggest) for it to get all the way there in my opinion.

“The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals” (part three)
His name is Bill, not Tim. Wonder how I could have misheard that?

“The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals” (part two)
Once again, the faux-horror movie dialogue scenes here are gold, and it isn't just thanks to the script.

“The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals” (part one)
Musical-hating guy is going to have to fight musical mind control aliens.

Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc V S1E7: “Imperial Wrath of Treason”
Last episode of Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc V in queue, at least. So that's one good thing I suppose.

Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc V S1E6: “Death-Toy Scissor Bear”
You can tell me that this is just a kids' show and isn't meant to be scrutinized like this. I'll reply that if you want your kids to take the short bus to school for the next five years, you can feel free to let them watch it.

Fullmetal Alchemist S2E29: “The Adults' Way of Life”
Thank you, FMA:B, for being there when I need you.

Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V S1E5: “Aspiring Apprentice”
Two episodes to go. Two episodes to go. Two episodes to go. Two episodes to go. Two episodes to go.

Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V S1E4: “The Only Hope”
The answer to my question is apparently "the duel never had any stakes or consequences and was a complete waste of time."

Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V S1E3: “Dark Village Pendulum Summon Stolen”
I'm trying to think if there was any age I could have watched this at without seeing at least some of these problems. Maybe at age 4-6? 7, on a bad day?