Faster Updates and Special Reviews

First, for context, a bit of personal news: I've been diagnosed and medicated for ADHD. Probably at least twenty years overdue, that. It's made a world of difference for my time management skills and overall productivity, to the point where I feel like I'd be in a different and better place in life if I'd started treatment a decade ago. But, regardless, what this means for this project is that I'm no longer struggling to barely keep up with the three-posts-a-week schedule that I'd originally intended to be a bare minimum.

To those reading me here on Top Level Canon rather than on patreon or SV (if there even are any of you left at this point), it’s given me time to start catching up moving over the painfully long backlog of reviews that I didn’t post here as well due to SquareSpace’s formatting process being much more time consuming. To the point where I haven’t even updated the QUEUE on this site for months because I was so ashamed of how behind the posts were.

Actual free time! Weekly quotas finished before 11:59 PM on Saturday! Being able to help Bunny raise our kid!

Going forward, I hope to be able to make the fast lane reviews additional to the weekly quota as originally intended rather than replacing part of it, and for occasional four normal-que-post weeks to be a thing (or, alternatively, to do longer reviews and cover whole episodes in single posts as a general rule. I used to do that much more often before I committed to the three posts a week schedule). The queue should start going considerably faster henceforth.

However, that isn't going to start THIS week. Today, I'll be doing a special review of something I choose to look at on my own. Man, it's been a while since I've done much of any self-chosen media consumption, it almost feels weird. Special reviews like this one will be an infrequent, unpredictable occurrence, and will only happen on weekends when I've already met quota.

So, this afternoon, I'll do the first one. Thank you all for sticking with me thus far.


"Wednesday" vis a vis "Adult Wednesday Addams"


Kaguya-Sama: Love is War S1E9: “Long Title/Seriously Long-Ass Title/Holy Fuck Why Is This Episode Title So Long? (continuing even longer: the very longest)”